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 the truth

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Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 39
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2007

the truth Empty
MessageSujet: the truth   the truth Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mai - 16:54

why are they affraid?
why do they lie?
why do they escape from the truth??
they want to deny it..
but they can't..
you know why ?..
cause it's so hard to beleive..
human kind..never takes lessons..
a day will come..when every thing turns up side down
on that day..everything becomes so clear..
that they can never deny it again..
but also on that day..
it will be too late for them..
too late..
they will pay a lot for all what they've done..
and this time,they will never deny that pain
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